In the following days: |
- In the next few days a slight crust forms, the color is still dark.
- The natural cell renewal process forms small scales. By replacing these scales will also be flaked the color. These scales (light crust) may not be scratched or damaged. Otherwise there will be a micro-scar formed. And another pigment color won’t last on this micro-scar very good.
- The permanent make-up drawing will become 30 – 40% lighter.
Eyebrow treatment: |
- NO water, cleansers, creams, makeup or any other products on treated area for 10 days.
- DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring.
- Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after procedure.
- Avoid heavy sweating for the first 10 days.
- NO facials, Botox, chemical treatments and micro derma for 4 weeks.
- Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days.
- Smoking, sun exposure and sun tanning will affect your result and may cause pigment to fade prematurely.
Eyeliner treatment: |
- The swelling of the eye/eyelids is normal for the next 24-48 hours, but will return to its normal appearance by the third day and so forth.
- Eye drops can be used every one to two hours after the procedure for the first day. If needed, a steroid eye drop may be prescribed by your physician.
- Avoid touching the eye area except for clean cotton swabs and any clean warm compresses.
- You should expect a certain amount of mattering around the eyelashes in the morning, and/or swelling of the eyelids, caused by natural nighttime fluid retention.
- The eye area may be cleaned gently with clean, warm compresses. Be sure to apply your cream to the treatment area afterward.
- You may experience some itchiness or irritation. Under no circumstance should you pick, scratch, or rub the eyelid margins or make any attempt to remove crusty material along the eyelashes.
- Removal of the crusts may result in removal of the actual pigment.
- Baths and showers are permitted as long as the face does not become wet. Avoid swimming pools for at least two weeks. After two weeks or after the pigment scabs over (whichever comes first), you may resume all normal methods of swimming and bathing.
- It’s highly recommended that mascara and eyeliner are not to be used for the first two weeks or until the pigment scabs over. After this time, all regular makeup can be resumed without any further complications.
- For the first 24 to 48 hours, it is not unusual to experience some light sensitivity, and the use of dark sunglasses is permitted and recommended. We recommend wearing sunglasses for the first week following the procedure; sunbathing of the face is permitted only with the use of protective sunglasses.
- Avoid tanning beds and sun exposure for two weeks or until the treatment area heals.
Lip treatment: |
- Don’t kiss, especially no beard. (Transfer of bacteria)
- Don’t plan appointments at the dentist. (The treated areas have a slight crust, so it’s uncomfortable for you because of the tension)
- Make sure you drink out of clean glasses
- Use under intense sunlight our nature or lipbalm with UV-protection.
- As with all other procedures, stay out of the sun!
- Avoid swimming pools and tanning beds for two weeks after the procedure.
- Avoid eating foods that can potentially irritate the skin (i.e. spicy/hot/oily/salty/acidic food, seafood, etc.).
- Make sure to gently clean your lips and rinse your mouth after each meal.
- DO NOT apply any makeup on or around the lips for 7-14 days until your tattoo has healed completely.
- DO NOT pick, scratch, or rub your tattoo under any circumstances.
- After the procedure, the lip tattoo may appear too dark and look unnatural. Within 7-14 days, most lip tattoos will lighten about 30-50%, depending on the client’s skin type. Touchup will be required for more colour intensity. **Additional fees & charges will apply**
- Redness, swelling, tenderness, dryness are all common post treatment side effects.
- Lips are unpredictable, so it is IMPORTANT to notify us immediately if you notice any signs of allergic reaction or infection.
Special care tips (3 – 4 days): |
- Do not use cosmetic.
- Do not use soap or oil on it.
- In the first days you must avoid the treated areas with cleaning.
- Do not rub with the towel or scratch the treated areas
- Just dab gently. The slight scab will come off automatically. But if you scratch or pluck it you will receive a micro-scar.
- The result hereby is, that the color will last more difficult and the after-treatment is much more complicated.
- The skin may form a crust and flake through the healing process, so dependant on client age and skin type the treated area can take 2-4 weeks for it to be healed, and 6 weeks before the skin can be treated again.
Durability of the colour: |
- Remember: the better you watch now, the better and longer the color will last in your skin.
- The color stores now in the skin (basal layer). Don’t hinder this process. Please in this time no tanning, sauna and above all no swimming! Please also avoid the direct sunlight and don’t do a peeling at the treated areas.
Caution: in the first days during wound healing is an increased risk of herpes viruses and other infections (so-called smear infections). Therefore please pay extremely close attention to cleanliness and hygiene in everyday life! |
- Use only our Grazia cream. Warning: NO fingers in the pot! Apply the cream sparingly with a cotton swab (we recommend sterile cotton swab from the pharmacy)
- Avoid contact with WATER, soap or oil!
- Be careful during tooth brushing, crust should not tear
- Do not eat spicy food until the crust is healed
- Do not kiss, especially no beard!
- Postpone appointments with the dentist!
- Pay attention to the cleanliness in drinking glasses, best is to use a straw!
- Avoid sunlight!
- Regular hand washing and disinfect!